视频 · 纪录片 | The Coming War on China (2016) - 即将到来的对华战争 [ 无删节版 ]
The Coming War on China is John Pilger's 60th documentary. Pilger reveals what the news doesn't - that the world's greatest military power, the United States, and the world's second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, are on the road to war. Pilger's film is a warning and an inspiring story of resistance.
近来,一部名为《即将到来的对华战争》的纪录片备受关注。据英国《每日星报》报道,该纪录片由居住在英国的澳大利亚记者约翰·皮尔格(John Pilger)拍摄,纪录片认为,由中美引发的第三次世界大战即将成为现实,因为美国当选总统特朗普正在动员一场大规模的毁灭性战争。
拍摄者约翰·皮尔格(John Pilger)曾两度荣获英国新闻界最高荣誉“年度记者”(Journalist of the Year),还曾荣获“年度国际记者”(International Reporter of the Year)和“联合国媒体和平奖”(UN Media Peace Prize)等众多奖项。纪录片到底讲了什么?我们找到了完整版视频,一睹为快↓↓↓